Blog post
added by
Miltner Alexandra
Datum: 29 Aug 2024
Anwesend: Kayali Fares, Günther Elisabeth Anna, Steinböck Matthias, Duvivié Mirjam, Gartner Selina, Nöhrer Georg, Yüksel Arslan Pelin, Rott Florian, Göbl Barbara, Miltner Alexandra, Wendt Barbara
Willkommen Barbara Wendt (SGC)! Barbara will be working on the Serious Game Changers project. She started on 12 August and will be with the team until 31 Jan 2025.
Bericht Team – News:Elisabeth: in the process of getting Sparkling Science Projekt started (begin: 1.10.24), still looking for a PhD from Computer Science, please share if you know anybody; some conferencesMirjam: Innovations-check will start in January 2025; Working Sober game was tested in school, young ppl really liked it; will be launched in FallSelina: Berliner Methodentreffen mit Petra und Mirjam; was very helpful; learned about interesting methods; they can share their notes, if anybody is interestedPelin: worked on papers in summer, since TDT is finishing in January; met up with advisor from Uni Göteburg (invited him), Fares: could come as to give a talkBarbara G: paper with Suzana, Fares et al. on participatory design accepted, will be published in Co-DesignMatthias: Mirjam found someone who is very proficient on using the rpg-maker (Simon Wimmer), will be invited to the game lab (part of the Wirtschaftsagentur project); game lab room is finished (lots happened over the summer); contact Eva Bruckner (Geschichte) for booking; gaming event tomorrow (30.8.) from 4pm onward; liked the writing days over the summer
Bericht FaresResearch Community: Georg and Vera will be a part of the project; Georg started in August, Vera will start in September. Community Event in November; waiting list for interested PhDs ( AG for new plan (3+2 instead of 4+2):will start soon-ish, mostly relevant for Barbara, Elisabeth and Fares; will be an intense timeshould be finished before next summera lot will be taken from the ABGs: to a certain extent already decided by ministry; not much left for the other topicsPhDsMore exchange between PhD-Students would be nice (Fares and Selina suggestion), channel and monthly meetingsFlorian has created a channel on rocket-chat, Selina will be the admin person Selina will do a termino for the 1st PhD-meeting
AllfälligesWandertag, 3.10. and Team 17.10.; meet at last stop D-Wagen, Stadtwanderweg 1; place for lunch tbaTeamtag in early 2025?Save the date 13 feb 25Ideas: ppl would like to know what others are working on and have fun together; ideas welcome (post in teamchannel)Teaching material for the lab for next studienjahr? Please send to Florian. Florian will get back to Fares. Bit of budget from the Zentrum if needed.Two LLLs scheduled: 31.10 and 28.11. – input, either someone from the group or invite someone? Mock föb?Mock föb Selina: 17.10. after team
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