Computational Empowerment Lab

Blog post
edited by
Rott Florian

The course focuses on integrating educational robotics with social diversity, aiming to enrich students’ knowledge through the creation of a robotics camp using tools like Lego Mindstorms kits. It emphasizes interactive and inclusive learning that accommodates various learning styles. By the end of the course, students are expected to be adept at creating diverse educational materials, designing robotics activities for varied audiences, and applying participatory design principles. Additionally, they will gain experience in collaboration, communication, and problem-solving within the context of a team-led robotics camp project.


The project was developed as part of the Development Spaces course in the winter semester of 2023/2024. In our initial classes, we were introduced to the concept of participatory design and the use of robotics for elucidating technological concepts. The project milestones included recalling a concept from our childhood that we found challenging to understand, creating a digital story, familiarising ourselves with the CE-Lab and its equipment, deciding on the robotic tools we wanted to use, and prototyping a solution to illustrate how the chosen concept works. Finally, we created a lesson plan for teachers who would follow our project and conduct the project with their students.

Allgemeine Informationen


PS Development Spaces – Educational Robots and Social Diversity


Wintersemester 2023/24


Pelin Yüksel Arslan PhD


Thomas Schwarz, Barbara Sienkiewicz, Reinhard Tlustos


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Through practical activities and exploration, the project aims to demystify radio interference. The project’s approach is to transform what might initially appear as an unexplained phenomenon, namely radio interference, into a concept that is graspable for students. This is achieved through this hands-on project, where students explore how different distances and obstacles can interrupt radio signals.

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