Computational Empowerment Lab

Blog post
added by
Miltner Alexandra

Datum: 19 Dec 2024

Anwesend: Göbl Barbara, Kayali Fares, Rott Florian, Gartner Selina, Schwarz Vera, Günther Elisabeth Anna, Yüksel Arslan Pelin, Miltner Alexandra, Wendt Barbara , Nöhrer Georg , Koger Patrick 


Bericht Team

Buchprojekt6 chapters out of 12 have been handed inBarbara WSGC Broschüre fertigElisabeth:berichtet von Daten*bildenpräsentiert Projekthandbuch, Übersicht über Admin, Orga, APs, BudgetBarbara GWorking on report16 Jan in the lab SGC eventSelinaWorking on transcripts for her PhDFlorianDeveloped the new booking systemVeraWorking on SILC with Renate Motschnig

Bericht Fares

Proposal kooperative Doktorate 2. AntragReading reports for book projectsFDGGetting reviews togetherBericht BildungssummitMeeting w stakeholders and other cooperative doctorate programsOther projects seem to be going wellGreat that ministry has recognized that education research is important3 keynotes on AI in educationInformatik-Fach going to be changed to digital bildung, seems that it’s going to be similar to DGB


1. Neujahrstreffen – Lokal: Aspic Garnisongasse separate room? 3 courses 25€; Ethiopian in währinger str. Vegan? → AM schaut


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